Have you ever considered buying a previously owned vehicle? Many drivers may think about buying pre-owned, but end up purchasing new. Usually, they cite fear over the vehicle’s quality as their reason. The staff here at Mercedes-Benz of Orange Park wants to help our customers understand that a pre-owned car and a certified pre-owned car are two separate entities.
At Mercedes-Benz of Orange Park, certified pre-owned means something significant. A certified pre-owned vehicle has received an official certification from the manufacturer, proving it to be in excellent, reliable condition. The certification process usually includes an intensive inspection as well as a reconditioning and refurbishing element if deemed necessary. Not to mention, at Mercedes-Benz of Orange Park, all certified pre-owned vehicles come with 24/7 Personal Assistance, along with:
- Nationwide dealer support
- Trip interruption coverage
- Vehicle exchange privilege
- Extended limited warranty
- Mercedes-Benz star prepaid maintenance
It’s clear to see that there are many benefits to buying a certified pre-owned vehicle. One of the more obvious, but nonetheless great, reasons to buy is the price. Certified pre-owned vehicles are often significantly less expensive than their newer, more current counterparts. Regardless of which type of vehicle you buy, however, the staff at our Florida Mercedes-Benz service center will be there to help you maintain your model. Our staff can also talk to you about trading in your previously owned Mercedes-Benz car if you’re interested in selling before you buy new.
Visit Mercedes-Benz of Orange Park today! We look forward to working with you soon and showing off our new and certified pre-owned models for sale.